If you’ve ever watched your dog lick something off the floor, you know it’s not just a simple act. It’s an intense workout for their tongue, and they enjoy it tremendously. However, that doesn’t mean you have to let them lick any old thing! Many household chemicals can be harmful to pets if ingested, so giving them access to furniture or carpeting isn’t really a great idea either. Fortunately for pet owners everywhere, there are plenty of homemade licks that can help keep our furry friends happy and healthy. These five recipes are simple enough for anyone with basic kitchen skills — even if you don’t own a dog!
Homemade licks are a great way to make your dogs at home more comfortable.
Licking is a natural behavior for dogs. They use their tongues for many things, including grooming themselves and their littermates, marking their territory, communicating with other animals and people (they can even tell us what they like or dislike by licking us).
It’s also important to note that when we’re talking about homemade licks here, we’re not referring to flavored dog treats designed specifically for training purposes or as rewards after completing tasks like sitting or rolling over. Those types of treats are great but they don’t fall under our definition of “lick” because they aren’t made from ingredients found in your pantry–rather they’re made with processed food ingredients like flour and sugar which are far less healthy than the ones used in these recipes below!
Your dog may love licking the floor, but it’s important to make sure they don’t lick dangerous chemicals and toxins off their paws.
Your dog may love licking the floor, but it’s important to make sure they don’t lick dangerous chemicals and toxins off their paws.
Chemicals and toxins can be found in a variety of places around your home–not just on the floor. You may be surprised at what you find when you start looking!
Some common sources include:
- The carpeting in your home (especially if it’s older)
- Your dog’s bedding materials, such as blankets or pillows
- Carpets or rugs throughout your house
The following five recipes are simple and easy, and can be made in any kitchen.
The following five recipes are simple and easy, and can be made in any kitchen. All of these recipes have a short list of ingredients and will take you less than an hour to make.
The first recipe is for a homemade dog lick mat that uses only one ingredient: peanut butter! This is the perfect recipe for those who want a simple solution but still want something that tastes good for their dogs. The second recipe uses honey as its main ingredient along with some other simple additions like flour and baking soda to give it more flavor than just plain peanut butter would provide on its own.
DIY Dog Lick Mat Recipe 1 – Carpet Deodorizer
A DIY dog lick mat can be a great way to keep your carpets clean, but it’s important that you use the right ingredients. The first thing you’ll need is baking soda, which has been known to deodorize and freshen up carpets. You can also add cornstarch as a natural absorbent that will help lift any stains on your carpeting. Finally, you must add some essential oils so that your dog doesn’t lick up anything harmful while he’s eating his treat!
Mix these three ingredients together into one big bowl (or container) and then apply them using an inexpensive spray bottle from the dollar store or Walmart–just make sure not to spray directly onto your pet! Instead, spray down all of those dirty spots around your house where Fido likes hanging out most often: under tables/chairs/sofas; inside closets/cupboards; even outside if possible (elevated surfaces like rocks).
DIY Dog Lick Mat Recipe 2 – Soap Scented Dog Lick Mat
Soap Scented Dog Lick Mat
This soap scented dog lick mat is a great choice for dogs that enjoy the smell of soap, or even those who don’t have a preference but still want to keep their paws clean. Just like with the previous recipe, you can make this one as simple or complex as you’d like. It’s also super easy to clean up after!
- 1/2 cup baking soda
- 1/4 cup corn starch (optional) * 2 tablespoons water (or enough so that it forms into a paste)
DIY Dog Lick Mat Recipe 3 – Gingerbread Flavor for Dogs
If your dog has been naughty and needs to be punished, this gingerbread dog lick mat recipe is just what you need. It’s easy to make, and it can be used as a deterrent against bad behavior.
You will need:
- 1 cup flour (all-purpose)
- 1/2 tsp baking powder
- 1/2 tsp salt * 2 tbsp ground cinnamon * 2 tbsp packed brown sugar * 1 egg beaten with 3 tbsp milk (or water) * 2 tbsp melted butter or coconut oil
DIY Dog Lick Mat Recipe 4 – Pumpkin Spice Flavor for Dogs
Pumpkin Spice Homemade Dog Lick Mat Recipe 4 – Pumpkin Spice Flavor
This is a simple, easy to make and delicious homemade dog lick mat recipe that you can use to create your own pumpkin spice flavored licks. It’s perfect for the fall season or any time of year really! You can easily customize this recipe by adding other spices such as cinnamon or nutmeg. If you want it to be more like an actual pumpkin pie, then add some sugar too!
1 cup whole wheat flour (or white flour)
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/3 cup canned pureed pumpkin (or fresh cooked)
Pinch salt
DIY Dog Lick Mat Recipe 5 – Cinnamon Flavor for Dogs Takeaway: 5 Easy Homemade Dog Lick Mat Recipes
This homemade dog lick mat recipe is the perfect solution for keeping your pup healthy and happy. Cinnamon is a natural flea repellent, so it’s a great choice to make your dogs at home more comfortable. You can also use cinnamon as a home remedy for fleas if you prefer not to use chemical treatments on your pet!
So there you have it, five easy-to-make homemade dog licks! Your dog will love these and they’re so much better than store-bought treats. Plus, they won’t cost you anything except maybe some time in the kitchen. If you want more great recipes like this one then be sure to check out our blog for more helpful tips on how to make life easier for both dogs and humans alike!