If you’ve ever wanted to grow vegetables and herbs in your home, but have limited space or don’t know where to start, vertical gardening is the perfect solution. It makes use of unused wall space and vertical surfaces like fences, decks and patios. Vertical gardening allows for a wider variety of plants than traditional gardening methods because it allows you to place them closer together without crowding them out. Here’s how to maximize your small space by creating a vertical garden at home!
Think of vertical as an opportunity to make a statement.
Vertical gardening is a great way to maximize your small space, but that doesn’t mean you should fill it with every plant you can squeeze in. It’s best to think of vertical space as an opportunity to make a statement—whether that’s using it to highlight the color of one particular plant, or making sure there’s enough room for all the plants you want.
- Use vertical space wisely. Vertical gardens are beautiful and functional, but they’re not always right for every situation. For example, if you have limited time and energy (or no yard at all), it might be better to stick with pots on your patio than an elaborate outdoor garden. If you do have room outside, however—and lots of time on your hands!—you may find that planting vertically makes more sense than taking up precious ground area with rows of crops like tomatoes or squash (although these plants can definitely work well in containers).
The same goes for indoor gardens: You might want something smaller than what’s possible when growing from floor level up toward skylights or windowsills. Sometimes having too much room isn’t as good as having just enough!
Use every vertical space.
If you have a small space, there’s no need to feel like you’re missing out on the benefits of gardening. Even if your patio or balcony is only a few meters wide, there are still plenty of ways to grow plants vertically.
Here are five tips for maximizing vertical space:
- Plastic pots or baskets can be hung from the ceiling or walls using hooks and string. This method is great for growing herbs and other plants that require lots of sunlight but don’t need much soil. It also allows you to put all of your pots in one place so they’re easy to access and maintain!
- Wooden crates make excellent planters, especially when filled with something light like pebbles instead of soil (not only will this prevent them from falling over but it’ll also keep the plants healthier). You can purchase crates at any craft store—they’re usually quite affordable—or even make your own out of leftover wood from another project such as building furniture!
- Have some old shelves lying around that aren’t being used anymore? Turn them into fancy planters with just some paint and glue! Just be sure not use anything toxic since children might be playing around here too…
Use planter pockets in your wall.
Planting pockets can be installed in any wall or fence and are a great way to grow plants vertically. They’re also easy to install, especially if you use the right tools and follow these steps:
- Begin by measuring the height of your wall from floor to ceiling and marking it with masking tape so that you know where to drill holes for your brackets.
- Next, mark how many feet of wire fencing you need per pocket, then cut two pieces of wire fencing so they fit snugly into each bracket (you want them slightly shorter than a full foot).
- Then, screw each piece of wire fencing into place along both sides of its corresponding bracket (make sure not to over-tighten) before pressing it gently against your wall until it’s secure enough so it won’t fall out when watering or watering plants inside.
Use vertical space to create a trellis or climbing plants.
You can also use vertical space to create a trellis or climbing plants. You can use a trellis to grow plants vertically, horizontally, diagonally and in circles or squares.
Hang pots overhead.
You can also hang pots overhead. Hang plants from a tree branch, porch or balcony railing (use hooks designed for outdoor use), fence or overhang. For example, a plant that has vines can be hung from the ceiling in a pot with holes in it to allow the vines to grow downward.
If you have an old ladder laying around that you don’t need anymore, consider hanging some plants from it! You could even hang them on each rung if you wanted too or just one at the top so they’re easier to access if needed.
Consider hanging baskets.
To create a vertical garden, you’ll need to consider how much weight your basket can hold. Look for a hanging basket with drainage holes to ensure that the roots of your plants don’t rot.
If you’re planning on filling your hanging baskets with soil and plants, make sure they have enough room to fit everything. You’ll also want to choose a sturdy frame so that it doesn’t collapse under its own weight when full of soil and plant matter—this will happen eventually if you aren’t careful!
Hanging baskets come in many sizes ranging from small ones suitable for herbs to large ones ideal for tomatoes or climbing vines like cucumbers and squash. Some models even include hooks on top so you can conveniently hang them from something nearby without needing any tools at all!
Invest in self-watering pots.
These self-watering pots are a great way to conserve water and keep your plants looking healthy. You can find them at most garden stores. They come in many different sizes, styles, and materials—so you’re sure to find one that suits your needs. Some of these watering stations are made of plastic while others are made from clay; some have holes in the bottom while others have no drainage at all. No matter what type you choose, these containers will help keep your plants alive by providing them with the right amount of water every time they need it!
Hang your plants.
Hanging plants are a great way to grow your own food. They’re perfect for small spaces, and they can be used to create a vertical garden that will make your home look beautiful. There are many different kinds of hanging plants you can use for this project, including herbs and vegetables. You can also grow flowers with them if you want to add some color!
Make use of old tires.
When it comes to reusing old tires, the possibilities are endless. For example, you can use them as planters or to create a raised bed. If you have an outdoor deck with no railing, an old tire provides the perfect base for your vertical garden. Old tires are also great for creating large-scale tire swings and other playground equipment like monkey bars and teeter-totters.
Stack your pots.
If you’re looking to make the most of a small space, you might be considering growing your own food. A vertical garden is one way you can do this.
You may have seen vertical garden ideas on Pinterest or Instagram and thought they were interesting but unachievable for your own home. But there are many ways to create a unique and beautiful vertical garden in your home that doesn’t require large amounts of money or time.
One idea that we love is using stackable pots as containers for plants (or herbs). You can get these inexpensively from thrift stores or even find them new at gardening stores like Home Depot or Lowe’s! These are easy to install; all you need is some screws and anchors into which they will attach themselves during installation! Hanging them from the ceiling will give it an extra pop of color while still staying within budget constraints because these items cost less than $10 each!
Use a wall-mounted pot rack.
A pot rack is a great way to save space and make your kitchen look tidy. This type of storage device can hang on the wall, and will hold pots, pans, or other cookware that’s not in use. It’s even possible to use it as an alternative to cabinets in your home—by hanging pots up instead of putting them away inside closed cabinets. You could also hang pots from the ceiling with this rack if you don’t have enough room on your countertop for all of your kitchen tools!
By using vertical gardening techniques like these ones we’ve discussed here today, it’s easy to maximize the amount of space available within small-scale garden spaces such as balconies or patios. These methods are also very cost-effective ways of growing fresh produce without having access to large plots where traditional gardens thrive best. With these tips under your belt now too though there’s no reason why anyone should ever run out again!
Plant a living wall or vertical herb garden.
One of the best ways to add vertical dimension to your garden is by building a living wall. A living wall is a plant-covered structure, usually made from wood or metal, that provides support for various types of plants and grows out of it. This allows you to grow food vertically—a great option if you have limited space or want an attractive display in your home.
A living wall can be used to grow vegetables and herbs, fruits and nuts (for example, kiwi vines), flowers for cuttings or as ornamentals, even fruit trees!
You’d be surprised how much food you can grow in a small space!
The amount of food you can produce depends on the size of your space and how much time you want to devote to gardening. If you only have a few minutes each day, try growing herbs in pots on your deck or patio. If you have more time and an outdoor garden area, consider planting fruit trees that will bear fruit over several years. You can even plant vegetables like carrots and radishes directly in the ground—they’ll mature quickly enough so that they’re ready for harvest by early summer.
Here are some examples of plants that are great candidates for vertical gardening:
With a little ingenuity, you can grow more plants in less space by thinking vertically.
With a little ingenuity, you can grow more plants in less space by thinking vertically. Here are some tips to maximize your small space and grow more food in a small area:
- Maximize the vertical space. A few hanging baskets or one of those ubiquitous windowbox planters can be used to create a series of tiers for growing vegetables or herbs. You don’t need anything fancy—just make sure that whatever container you choose has drainage holes at the bottom and is made from durable materials so it won’t rot on its own (or when exposed to water). This will help prevent mold growth within the container itself as well as keep things fresh around the roots of each plant.
- Create groups within containers instead of placing them all together in one big pot. Instead of planting all your tomatoes in one container (and having them compete for nutrients), separate them into smaller groups where they’ll have access to their own individual supply lines so nothing gets crowded out! This will also help prevent disease spread between tomato plants if any start showing symptoms due to overcrowding.
The more you grow, the better you’ll get at creating a vertical garden. It can be daunting at first, but once you start seeing the results of your hard work and creativity, it becomes addictive. Before long, you’ll find yourself dreaming up new ways to use vertical space that will make even more room for plants!